Tue, January 21, 2025
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A survey to explore the needs of families in NI during pregnancy, birth, and the early postnatal period

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National Children’s Bureau (NCB), on behalf of the PHA, is carrying out a short survey to explore the range of needs and challenging circumstances facing families in Northern Ireland during pregnancy, birth, and the early postnatal period (up to 6 weeks after birth).

Survey findings will be used to inform the work of the PHA’s Starting Well Public Health Planning Team, and will help to identify priorities for better supporting women and families who may be facing a range of complex issues during pregnancy and the newborn period.

The survey can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/socialcomplexities and should take around 15-20 minutes to complete.

You can support us in two ways:

  • Complete the survey yourself – If you currently work directly with families during pregnancy, birth and the early post-natal period (up to 6 weeks post-birth), or support practitioners who do, then we’d really appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.
  • Support survey dissemination – We would also appreciate you circulating the survey to any colleagues or key contacts who you feel it would be relevant to.

The closing date for responses is Friday 22nd November.

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